Why WordPress works for the technically challenged among us

The idea of starting and managing a website can be truly terrifying for many business owners and writers, me included. 

I don’t consider myself to be technically savvy at all. But, I’ve been working with content management systems since 2002, from the pretty ordinary to the amazing. I like to think I know a little about content management systems and how to add and edit content. The technical stuff, I leave for the experts. 

All I want to do in a CMS is design a website that looks and works well and where I can add and edit content. WordPress is one tool that has let me do all this in a safe and secure environment. 

WordPress, in both .com and .org, has enabled me to play happily in my own little sandpit, giving me enough space to explore safely, but without kicking up too much sand and making a complete mess of my sandpit. 

I want to share my experience of WordPress, the support and resources and how it too can be used by business owners, bloggers and writers, who aren’t IT experts or website developers, to build their business. And how it can be lots of fun along the way. 


